Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru Matematika SMP RSBI Melalui Lesson Study

By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Fikri Hermawan

Education has a vital role in the process of improving the quality of human resources. Therefore, education is expected to be one vehicle to prepare the nation's generation, so the birth of human resources that are reliable and have the ability to face the dynamic development of science and technology today are fast, precise and effective. The purpose of learning mathematics, namely: Train ways of thinking and reasoning in drawing conclusions, develop creative activities, develop problem-solving skills, and developing skills in conveying information or communicate ideas.

UU Numb. 20 of 2003 article 50 paragraph 3 of the National Education System, which reads that the Government and local government or hold at least one of the education units at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit. This makes some schools to be developed into international school stubs (RSBI). Based on the expectation and the fact the field is to develop the competence of junior high school math teacher RSBI through Lesson Study.

Lesson Study conducted activities consist of classroom action research in each school along with observations by teachers and researchers and continued with a reflection activity. Researchers plan to conduct at least two cycles. Each rotation cycle of action includes planning, implementation of actions and observations, and reflections. In the first cycle, the activities carried out at this stage is to develop guidelines for observation, interview guidelines, and questionnaires on the results of discussions with faculty research mentors. In the second cycle, the activities carried out in the second cycle has a purpose for improvement of the first cycle.

This study aims to enhance the pedagogic competence, professional and social teaching of mathematics at SMP RSBI through Lesson Study in three school SMP Negeri 1 RSBI Wates, SMP Negeri 1 Bantul, SMP Negeri 1 Galur, Kulon Progo. Lesson Study activities are held at large running smoothly, but since the eruption of Mount Merapi, then there are adjustments and repair schedules. Lesson Study activities developed capable of encompassing the research activities of students by developing an instrument of reference chosen.

Teacher Competencies developed include: Competency develop realistic approach to mathematics, Mathematical Competence development and competence develop methods Thingking discussion, between teachers and pupils and between pupils and students, methods of solving problems and methods of investigation. While the student activities related to teacher competence is examined and analyzed independently by the student for the purpose of writing a thesis.

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