By : Drs
Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by :
Fikri Hermawan
mathematics emphasize on the construction of concrete object contex as early by
student to get the mathematics concept. With using this concrete objects,
student can manipulate in concrete mathematics process to abstract. The though
of Hans freudental in Sugiman (2007) that mathematics is human activities and
it have to be related with reality. When the student doing the mathematics
study activities, then in their self occur the mahematics process. Horizontal
mathematics is process of the real world to mathematics symbols, and vertical
mathematics is process which occur in own mathematics process.
In the Senior
High School learning of mathematics, fraction number consist of fraction number
formal in contex of curriculum and syllabi, and teaching substance of own
fraction number. On the competence standart, relate of fraction number teaching
is so that student can understand characteristic of arithmetic operation and
using in problem solving. With substance of whole number and fraction number so
students are hoped can do operation of fraction number and use characteristic
of aritmetic operation of fraction number in problem solving.
developing learning of fraction number, it is can did with approach PMRI, is
realistic type with approach of buttom-up where the student develop own model
and then that model as base to develop formal mathematics. There are four phase
of realistic mathematics learning (zulkardi, 2004), are: introduction; idea and
developing; symbolic model; explanation and reason; and then closing or
problem of realistic about fraction number can be did with give the real
example in daily activity like as show the lemon fruits that it is divided into
some part and then into studying about fraction. Study also be did with discuss
of student to solve the problem about fraction number. From that activities,
learning of fraction number trough PMRI can be got the conclusion that student
need chance to get and reflect alternative concept, discover the new knowledge,
understanding, working, and implementing fraction number. On the other hand,
teachers should see their self that a teacher should be come someone who can
give the good and appropriate learning so students can increase their skill
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