Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
by: Fikri Hermawan
Reform in education is non-negotiable demands. Since Indonesia has
entered a period of reform in all areas of life, as a result of economic crises
in the past are very severe. Thats makes the moral values in the political,
legal, social, economic decline very sharply in a period of more than three
decades. Indonesia so that the nation needs to reexamine the paradigm of
development. Education can provide a foundation for the development of the
glorious values of the reforms in legal, political, economic, cultural and
At the macro level, the picture of the education system in Indonesia
still shows characteristics of a rigid centralism, with a very strong dominance
of bureaucracy, so that at every level of educational stagnation. Creativity or
improvisation towards innovation is very difficult for national education
system because they tend to obey the government. While the micro, educational
practices in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead of
the government in implementing policies education. But teachers are not given
free space to develop creativity in teaching.
Indonesia is now the nation is faced with the fact that the period
of globalization requires an increase in the quality of all components of the
nation in various spheres of life. Similarly with education, there should be
development of the Indonesian people in order to put themselves into the social
world. The development of education globally, is characterized by a shift in
the center of education. Teachers who first serves as a transfer of knowledge
and then turned into a facilitator in the learning process as an effort to
develop students potential. Schools also need to be developed, not only as a
place to obtain the knowledge but also serves as a place of much use for the
development personality of students. So the paradigm of schooling in the
present and the future is that the school is a laboratory for students to
develop themselve.
Mathematical meaning can be seen from the context of the
ontological, epistemological and axiological within the limits of intrinsic
value, extrinsic and systemic. From the ontological is try to find
understanding by the roots and the deepest foundation of mathematical reality.
Ontological approach is a reflection to capture the reality of mathematics as a
reality has been found. In the consciousness of himself then people who think
math is the one closest to the reality of mathematics, trying to reflect the
reality of mathematics and then implicitly present it as a knowledge that is
useful in association with others and can explicitly formulated in the form of
formal to obtain the approriate theme.
From the epistemological side is trying to find out the definition
of mathematics. At the moment we are trying to find a definition mathematics
then we'll get infinite regres of the definition contained. Such mathematical
knowledge can not be further simplified and can not be explained using other
expression. Therefore, the epistemological approach should be developed so that
we can know the position of mathematics in scientific contexts. One way is to
use an analog language.
In terms of axiological is studying the philosophical essence of the
value of mathematics. According to Hartman, the value is a phenomenon or
concept, the value of something is determined by the extent to which the
phenomenon or concept to the meaning or significance. According to him, value
of mathematics at least contain the four dimensions, that is: mathematics have
value because of its meaning, mathematics has value because of its uniqueness,
have value because the aim of mathematics and mathematics have value because of
its function. Each dimension value of mathematics is always associated with the
nature of intrinsic value, extrinsic and systemic.
If someone is good at math just for himself the knowledge of
mathematics that has intrinsic, if he could apply mathematics to the life of
the mathematical knowledge is extrinsic, and if he can develop mathematics in
the mathematics community association mathematical knowledge is systemic.
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