Jumat, 16 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Fikri Hermawan

Teachers of mathematics as a researcher may deliberately make changes in learning mathematics in school by doing various experiments so comes the scientific method. Approach to mathematics education research can be done in various ways including quantitative research. Quantitative research relies on mathematical learning the scientific method to find rules, laws and principles regarding the reality of learning mathematics in school.

Effort uncovering the circumstances and the phenomenon of learning mathematics can be described by a circle hermenitik in which a teacher or a researcher trying to uncover aspects of learning mathematics as a phenomenon or phenomena in the form of facts that can be observed directly or in the form of the potential for development that requires treatment.

The scope of mathematics education research can come from a push by researchers to reform mathematics education. Where mathematics education to realize that innovation can be sourced to the conceptual factors, values, pragmatic, empirical and political. By placing the components of learning mathematics, in the context of mathematics education research, then Grouws, DA (1992) describes a wide variety of relationships between components at the level of simple or complex level.

Judging from the practice of mathematics teaching then at least there are two main factors namely the practice of learning itself and the factor value. If researchers want to improve the learning of mathematics in the field of content or learning materials, the researcher can make the observation of students when learning mathematics. If researchers want to improve or to obtain an innovative method of learning mathematics, the researcher needs to consider the context of learning mathematics, teachers use the methods and management of learning mathematics. Judging from the mathematics education research procedure can be carried out with various different emphases, such as historical research, descriptive research, research development, research, case studies and field research.

Based on the suppression of certain aspects of it by adapting Joyce and Weill (1986), can be developed several models of learning as a context of doing mathematics education research activities, for example: The concept attainment model, Model Exercise Research, Classroom Meeting Model, Model Investigation Group, Model Exercise Laboratory and others. In various models that were developed then the teacher will always be between the two poles between which the paradigm of approach learning mathematics, such as teacher-centered and student-centered. Has generally been understood that mathematics education in the future will be more student-centered learning where the student is the center, Student is more active, take initiative and responsible to the learning process. Students are also expected to be more autonomous. Thus the role of the teacher acts as facilitator and dynamist learning mathematics.

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