Selasa, 27 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Fikri Hermawan

Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Concrete objects manipulated by the student within the framework of efforts to support students in the process matematisasi concrete to the abstract. Students should be given opportunities to construct and produce mathematics in a manner and language of their own. Necessary activities so that the reflection of social activity can occur integration and strengthening of relations between subjects in understanding the structure of mathematics.
According to Hans Freudental in Sugiman (2007) and mathematics are human activities must be linked to reality. Thus, when students do activities to learn math so in her place matematisasi process. There are two kinds matematisasi, namely: matematisasi matematisasi horizontal and vertical. Matematisasi horizontal proceeds from the real world into mathematical symbols. The process occurs in students when he was confronted with problems in real-life situations. While the vertical matematisasi is a process that occurs in the mathematical system itself.
In developing learning fractions in middle school can be done with PMRI approach. Which have characteristic buttom-up approach in which students develop their own models and then the model used as the basis for developing formal mathematics. There are two kinds of models that occur in the process model of the situation and a model for formal mathematics.
Realistic model emerged from students' informal strategies in response to real problems for later formulated in formal mathematics, this kind of process in accordance with the historical development of mathematics itself (Sugiman, 2007). There are four phases of Realistic Mathematics learning model can be described as follows (Zulkardi, 2004). That starts with an introduction and then the creation and development of symbolic models and explanations and then closing or application.
In reflecting on learning fractions through PMRI, students should be given the opportunity to:
1)        explore and reflect on alternative concepts about ideas that affect learning fractions later
2)        explore and acquire new knowledge about fractions by establishing that knowledge to himself
3)        gaining knowledge as a process of change that includes the addition, creation, modification, refinement, and rejection realignment
4)        acquiring new knowledge about fractions which was built by students for itself derived from experience
5)        understand, and implement working on fractions

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